Wednesday, June 15, 2005

GeoSpatial Web Backgrounder - Google Map Hacks

This February Google introduced Google Maps and changed the Internet Mapping Experience for ever. It is a Javascript + XML based service that literally allows you to drag the Map around on your screen using your mouse and zoom in and out. If you have a decent net connection you would in-fact not even realize the maps are coming from elsewhere. It also allows showing of high detail Satellite images. You can in fact zoom in and view your Rooftop in many places in the US.

What is more interesting is that you could actually embed the Google Map component on your own web page with minimal effort. Of course if you want to do anything more than playing around... Do not forget to read the terms of service ;-)

Check out the following links at and see its source. Also check the corresponding XML and XSL file mentioned in the Javascript...
geocodeinfo-demo1.xsl etc...
No Rocket science once u know what is expected of u… I know u don’t need soooo much spoon feeding ;-)